Houston We Have A Problem ………….

I’ve brought you all the cars from Houston, now I’m gonna bring you another reason to get over to Houston.

Well that’s if your obsessed with the space race?

The Johnson Space Centre is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration‘s center for human spaceflight training, research and flight control.Its been involved in every piece of space flight from the early Gemini Project right through to the Shuttle programme and the International Space Station.

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The Year That Was 2011

And so another year ends, and what a year it has been for me! I’ve travelled all over the country covering events, to different continents even!

So I thought a little look back would be good

First stop is back to Ross Mccracks Altezza Shoot in January

Continue reading “The Year That Was 2011”

Anyone For Coffee? Part 1

After reading the Mayday garage blog, I have really wanted to attend this event for sometime. The complete mix of all things automotive enticed me and so luckily this time in Houston i was able to get down to Vintage Park to see this event first hand.Continue reading “Anyone For Coffee? Part 1”